This world is a jungle

This world is a jungle… where we are all human animals…and some are predators. When we are their prey, we are hurt. When we are hurt, we are wounded. When we are wounded, we bleed. When we bleed, hyenas smell our blood. And consequently, they find us and feed on us.

Do you want to be that victim?


Then heal your wounds!


There are many answers. And many solutions.

Maybe what I am offering is a solution for you…


I am not a guru. I am an alienated parent like you – a mother of two wonderful boys. And like you, I am on my journey, called – parental alienation. I obviously need to be here at this point in my life.

And you know what?

I want my life to be an extraordinary experience. And parental alienation is exactly that. Yes, you have heard me well. It took me some time to realize that.

Yes, extraordinary experience – full of love for myself and my children.

I have decided to transform that sheer horror of alienation into self-cure and consequently into self-love. And what is more…

…Out of that came amazing love for my children beyond anything… beyond anything, I have experienced in my motherhood and life so far. And I was nothing else before but a wonderful mother.


On my journey, I discovered that to give love to my children and others, I needed to show love to myself first. I had to heal my wounds first. There are many, many ways to heal your heart. And I have tried and used lots of them. However, I have discovered that the most fulfilling and rewarding ones come from the subconscious part of the Universe and me. The ones that are not seen by the naked eye.


I have noticed that manipulation in parental alienation made me weak, disoriented, and without any breath. I could not have inhaled and exhaled. Mentally, emotionally and psychically. On a conscious level, I knew that I was capable of rising to the challenge of my life. But not any word, technique, or support could have led me through my life to stand up to the manipulations of the alienating parent. I recognized that there was something unseen that took away my life force in this family matter. I would even call it “hostile taking over of my energy “. In the world of alienation, the alienating parent is draining the energy of the targeted parent as this is what he feeds himself on. That is the reason for the alienation and battle for custody of the child. Unfortunately, the child is the only ammunition in this game—a side effect of the battle. The real gold is the energy and attention of the targeted parent. And to keep the energy for me and to be able to close the energy-leaking gaps towards the alienating parent, I called in the two powerful holistic techniques which supported me dearly in my battle.


One is called Ho’oponopono. Hoʻoponopono is a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.   The other one is Japanese Reiki, the energy of the Universe, everything around us and within us.

Each of them heals the wounded parts inside of me to empower my soul so that I have the strength to rise to any challenge that comes my way.

There will always be challenges in our life. Life is supposed to be like that. But how we react and answer the challenges is the way how our life will unfold in front of us.  And how we will guide ourselves through.

Therefore Ho’oponopono and Reiki do not change what I need to experience in my life. But they encourage me and empower me well so that I can rise to any challenge with the wisdom and new borne belief that I can break through any obstacle. That is something that is missing in our parental alienation life so much.

Do I use all the other techniques and means from the real world? Yes, of course. But those two holistic healing techniques support me so beautifully that I enjoy my life to the fullest one targeted parent can. That much that I am grateful for all the pain and suffering in my life, including parental alienation, as that made me who I am today.

I adore who I am now and who I am becoming…

To heal me from the inside so as not to bleed anymore – is a fantastic feeling. Standing up next to an alienating parent and not being disturbed by his presence is an incredible feeling. Because the healing gives me the energy to focus on more important stuff than that parent’s persona. And not just that. Ho’oponopono and Reiki provide me with faith that I am not alone and that I am taken care of. With such help I can succeed in my life; it is up to me to “Just do it”, and the Universal energy is there to support me in whatever I am meant to do and be, not in my head, but in my heart and my consequently in my real life. That is my destined task to be fulfilled in order for my mission on this planet to be completed.

We suffer from parental alienation not because we are incompetent. But because we can survive, rise and thrive. We are destined for this mission because we can break through such obstacles.

We have to believe in it, be responsible for ourselves and take action.

I am breathing freely and powerfully with Ho’oponopono and Reiki, going through my life fearless of what is coming next to me.  That is an incredible feeling.

If you want to try it, meet me here on these pages …


Jasmina Radulj

Parental Alienation Healing

My name is Jasmina Radulj. You can call me JR. I am the mother of two wonderful and beautiful boys. I lead my parental alienation battle with the passion of a mother bear, the power of a lioness, and the dignity and grace of a queen. Because my love for my sons is encouraged and guided by the deepest life force on Earth – the Universe.


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