Who are PAH clients?

When I write articles and post for this web page I have alienated parents in my mind. Normally, because I am one, too. And I feel them, all of them. And I know what life consequences such a person has to bear.

Therefore, the alienated parents are my prime clients for the Parental Alienation Healing / PAH services.


Parents are not the only ones alienated from their children, as we all know. The whole other group of people is alienated, too carrying through their life the same or similar consequences of such abuse, like alienated parents.

That people are my clients, too. And I welcome them on this site with the same love and respect I have for alienated parents, too!


You could be a grandfather or grandmother who has not seen your child or children for years or even decades. And who has not lost hope to reconnect and rebond with him. And who waits for that moment to be introduced to your grandchild, maybe for the first time.

You could be an adult child who suffered parental alienation in your childhood and now, as a grown-up person, feel the long-term consequences of such abuse. And you want to heal your inner wounds to make healthier choices and decisions in the life you lead now. And to reconnect with your lost parent. Or what is more important, to rebond with him/her.

You could be one of the siblings who were at first alienated from the other parent but have recovered your love for him or her, feeling that is the right thing to do. And you had the strength to do it, while the other child did not. And you now have an alienated brother or sister, as that is the punishment for betraying the alienating parent.

You could be one of the other relatives from the alienated family. Because sadly, parental alienation can spread over other family members of the alienated parent.

You could be a new partner of the alienated parent, who is aware that you were attracted to his/her life for a reason. Maybe to straighten the core self – as you can see in your new partner, alienated parent, your inner wounds, as a reflection of your own life story. Love partners, as well as relationships, are mirroring themselves. We all meet for a reason.

In the parental alienation situation, each role is equally difficult as well as equally beautiful. It is not important where you belong but that you understand the consequences for you of such a terrible story called parental alienation. And that you have decided to do something about that abuse – healing yourself first.

I am grateful for the opportunity to be helping you.



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