Requirements and suggestions to clients

You are unique. You came to this world with your own mission. And tasks to fulfil. Sometimes it is easy, and sometimes it is difficult, but that’s how life is built. Comfort zones are beautiful and rewarding only if they are rest zones in between progress. Otherwise, they become swamps.

If you are broken and lost, that is the natural state of this trauma called parental alienation.

If you feel broken from the inside, I would like to introduce you to something astonishing in its simplicity and yet in its sophistication. I am talking about the Japanese centuries-old art of repairing broken pottery – Kintsugi. It is a Japanese tradition to fix old family pottery which has been broken, with golden stitches, to make it even more beautiful than before.

 „All of us develop scars through life. But the scars should never be hidden. Our imperfections could be the birth of something new“  

Hiroki Kiyokawa, Kintsugi restorer in Kyoto

Your scars are your beautiful signs of vulnerability and a token that you are a loving and caring human. Wear your scars like a gold medal for your bravery because it takes superhuman strength and courage to live with parental alienation. The healing you are about to experience is like Japanese restoration art. It will close your wounded ruptures with pure gold and leave it to a memory of your bravery and humanity. Because the experience of having been a mother or a father will precisely be that beauty and wisdom, you are going to cherish the most, on your last day on Earth.

Therefore the healing that you will experience is a promise to yourself. That is the promise of finally respecting your scars by honouring the most precious gift you have received from your life – by respecting yourself. And that is a promise to your child, too that he will have a role model for bravery.

However things look difficult, there is always courage and strength in you to break through the hardship walking your path with those golden scars, in dignity and grace.

No matter where you are in the world, the healing will travel to you in waves as energy, and you will receive it whether or not you feel it.


Give yourself the treatment with an open heart, for your well-being and progress.


I suggest that you devote that particular appointed time of the treatment only to yourself, focusing on you and you only. The advice is to sit somewhere in a quiet place, rest, drink water, take notes and generally relax. The energy will work regardless, but it’s best to be in a calm place to enjoy the experience fully. Give yourself time to be in silence. And wait for that whisper inside of you to start talking to you…

In treatments, you can feel a spectrum of emotions: from nothing to being utterly overwhelmed. You can feel energy rushing up to your body, you can feel goosebumps, heat, tingling in your fingers, intense headaches or other discomforts. Every human body and soul is unique in its history, therefore your experiences are unique to you, too.

Treat yourself like a king or queen. Because that’s who you are.


From each client, that is you, I will be needing a personal photo, as well as the date of birth or your home address, whichever you prefer.

I need the photo so that I can energetically connect with you and visualise you when I am doing the distance healing treatment. Please let the photo be clear and only you in the photo, facing forward so that I see your face and particularly your eyes. Thank you.

Why do I need your date of birth or your home address?

The date of birth or the home address is like the code specifying that it is you – you. Like your licence plate to be recognised by the Field,  in the case there are two persons with the same name. I am kindly asking you,  when you schedule your session to send me your picture and the information needed for the sessions through the booking form button.

Thank you. 



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